Monday, December 10, 2007

Interactive Post

I haven't had any good blog posts in a while and this leaves me feeling empty and inadequate. As of right now I'll take comfort in the simple fact that no one reads this malarkey. I'm considering falling back on an old formula for success, which is any one of the following post models I've had positive feedback from or really any feedback. For instance; The Philosophical (Previous post titled "Ancient Greeks"), Humorous Memory ("Donuts"), Educational ("Brewhaus"), The Lunch Pic (countless examples), and the Down right Insane ("TSA Play set"). So I was thinking I'll let you the reader decide the next post. Simply write your request in a comment and I'll do my best to come up with something truly groundbreaking.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Ah yes.

As some of you may know I don't work on fridays. So what I did today (as if you give a F@#*) was something I think I do best, destroyed an amazing sandwich, mayo glob on the side, and a Pepsi. It was a refreshing lunch. After this I will play the guitar for hours.

Monday, November 19, 2007

"Ride the lightning"

I know what you're thinking Dependable Pete supporter; "whats Pete doing buying an electric guitar"? I know I've said before (previous posts, also at Emmett's) that I'm a loyal acoustic guitar player and thats where my heart is. I'm not going back on my word it just makes sense to have a good acoustic and a good electric. I ordered a custom G&L Bluesboy (photo above), I got it in the three tone sunburst, rosewood fretboard, hand rubbed gun oil neck with a glossy finish, and a semi hollow body with the F hole. I bought and paid for it (a shit load) some time in early August and I picked it up second week of October. I will say that this guitar is the nicest, smoothest, incredible sustain, most jaw dropping electric guitar I've ever experienced. To quote Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister, "Have you ever seen Paul Simon plug into two Marshall stacks and ride the lightning"?

Mondays off.

I took monday off, and here's what I ate. Living the dream.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Slayed The Dragon

I slayed the dragon, also known as Deal's Gap. I rode all 318 curves in the short stretch of 11 miles on my Harley. The police were notably friendly. I also bought a T-shirt. Enjoy this photo taken while discussing evasive riding techniques with a state trooper.

Friday, July 27, 2007


how do I start this? (rhetorical question)

Recently my friend Danno and I had a conversation about guitars, not uncommon. After the said talk I thought to myself whether I had given good advice or not, which led me to think about advice more generally. As I think of all the advice I've given in my life , maybe 1% was ever taken. Why? Well, what is advice is the root issue here, Danno looked it up, it's "an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action". With that I would say about sums it up. My thought process is more like this. Someone approaches me with a dilemma I respond with what I would do, emphasis on I, and tell them that. The problem is that it isn't me with the problem it's them. Who's eyes am I looking through while I'm formulating a solution, and if they are asking for advice or simply looking for someone to be a listener or even just a different perspective on the situation. I would like to make one additional point in that unsolicited advice is really annoying. I shrug my shoulders. Listen if you want, my advice will always be free if you want it.

Also if you see Danno tell him his best course of action is to buy the American strat or tele, either way it's a cool guitar.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Coming to terms with life itself

There are many things in life we will inevitably be forced to deal with, both good and bad. One thing everyone experiences, and can be difficult, is the way we lose touch with close friends over time. I can't even count all the really wonderful people I've known over my life, most of them I couldn't begin to think where they may be or what they may be doing, or even if they are alive. We take comfort in the idea that they are fine and miss us too. View this cheesy portrait of me with some friends taken several years ago. (I'm still very much in touch with these idiots)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wide Glide

Here's a photo of my wide glide, enjoy.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Parallel dimension

I've spoken through both time and space to a 50 year old self. Through the Internet some friends of mine found, me. Or at least someone of the same name, both first and last. I never thought my name would be synonymous with such success, figures it's somebody else. Anyway, check out his impressive art on his website. Maybe sharing the same name he could give me a deal on a cool chandelier.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Wish for things

In a three wish Genie situation the only one I can be sure of would be;
Mind blowing piano skills.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New entry

It's been a while since I've posted anything and I do apologize for that, so here's a little advice for the weary.

All (your name here) needs to be is (your name here). If you can do that, everything else will fall into place.

Here's a photo of riley sleeping under a blanket on the couch, he'll be there all day. Thats riley being riley, now you do the same.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Nickel and Dime

My most Favorite Brewery/restaurant on earth has recently made some strange changes. The new menu, which is really the same menu of another restaurant they own, boasts a two dollar burger on Tuesday nights. Myself and my brother included were all too skeptical, so we went and ordered two burgers half expecting microwaved white castle burgers this is what was presented to us. Un-fucking-believable, $2.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Closing Doors

There's something humbling about watching a micro brewery go out of business, especially one I've enjoyed (puked at) many of occasions. I saw the Wind Gypsys there for the first time. Myself along with my wrecking crew friends have known for a while now they were shutting down to make way for a crappy steak house that I'll never go to, but saturday it was all too real when we were served undrinkable beer in a building with the heat turned off, it was 45 degrees in there. I bid you Fair well Praire Rock. Salute.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


For lunch today I am enjoying the finest of leftover chicken enchiladas, exquisitely pair with a Pepsi cola.

Monday, January 15, 2007


In the past i've expressed some interest in blogging some of the funny stories from my past expieriences in the coast guard. I thought of this story while watching, what I'll assume was a co-worker, doing donuts in the snow covered parking lot at work this evening.

After 9/11 at Station Oak Island they went to an armed gate guard, meaning someone had to be sitting at the front gate to the station (in shifts) 24 hours a day, armed. They didn't have a little out-house thing like most military bases so the guards sat in the Chevy suburban they had. Now this guy Mike goes out there on watch from midnight till four in the a.m. and gets so bored and pissed off about the whole thing he started doing donuts in the lawn, needless to say the officer of the day heard the truck roaring in a dusty circle. But that wasn't all, after the donuts and the officer of the day just figured he'd yell at him tomorrow, Mike drives off to go to the gas station on the corner for a pack of smokes. He got in sooo much trouble, it was hilarious. Especially the donut marks in the lawn that are probably still there.

Friday, January 12, 2007

my quilt

So I decided to make a quilt for me. Just me. Deep chocolate browns and rich tan colors in a traditional log cabin quilt style. What that means is, a red center referred to as the hearth or chimney, and logs or dark and light colors in a log kind of pattern around the hearth. I finished the first block after several hours of cutting the strips. Here it is in the photo, only 47 more to go.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Tonight on my way home I, of all people, ran out of gas. I believe it may have been destiny. While waiting for my parents to arrive with the much needed petrol, something remarkable happened, no, my wildest sexual fantasy didn't come, although countless pornos start this way, I shattered my previous record on Bejeweled (on my cell phone). I shall leave you with a picture of the frozen pizza I made once I got home, enjoy.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

lunch pic.

I need to start by mentioning the fact that I got a new cell pnone and have the ability to send photos from the phone to my email. What this means for you and I, well, the lunch pic is going to be alot easier to post on my blog so look forward to many deliscious lunches together. Do you ever, when you look at a lunch pic, feel like you're sitting there with me, enjoying lunch with me? Anyway, here's the wonderful gyros I had at zippy's this rainy afternoon.