Monday, December 10, 2007

Interactive Post

I haven't had any good blog posts in a while and this leaves me feeling empty and inadequate. As of right now I'll take comfort in the simple fact that no one reads this malarkey. I'm considering falling back on an old formula for success, which is any one of the following post models I've had positive feedback from or really any feedback. For instance; The Philosophical (Previous post titled "Ancient Greeks"), Humorous Memory ("Donuts"), Educational ("Brewhaus"), The Lunch Pic (countless examples), and the Down right Insane ("TSA Play set"). So I was thinking I'll let you the reader decide the next post. Simply write your request in a comment and I'll do my best to come up with something truly groundbreaking.


Anonymous said...

i wanna see you leave a post on how you was busssin a cap in someone's ass on friday night..



Five assed monkey

Anonymous said...

hey where is the comment about your proposal???????????

dependable pete!


Five assed monkey

Seth said...

Dep. Pete, I would like you to comment more on everyday events in your life with the kind of detail a fiction writer, or Dependable Pete, would use.

I want to live vicariously through you, through your carefree existence.

I want to read about your experience buying a beer at the local convenience store. Or your experience having lunch at your employer's cafeteria. Or your experience stopping for fast food or a movie to rent on your way to your girlfriend's place.

These seemingly insignificant scenarios offer tremendous opportunity to reflect and comment on details most of us pass right by.


Anonymous said...

I too enjoy your adventures as you journey through the mundane and exciting thing called life. I am always extra hungry after seeing what you eat, and everything looks so tasty. I would like to read more about the jam sessions, and how you really rock the house with your crew. I really like the associate Pete comments. remember that guy??? If you want to get hardcore, pink tacos with extra cheese are always a great subject.

word is bond

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you haven't mentioned KT and the ring yet.....bad