Friday, September 29, 2006

Chinese Food

Whats better than left-over chinese food? Nada. It was good at the time of purchase and it's good now 19.6 hours later. Take a peek, it's chicken chop suey mixed in with some fried rice with a egg roll on the side, and of course a Pepsicola.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The idea of the "Mug"

It's funny the way things go as time passes. Three years ago I along with several friends joined the mug club and as time would have it only mark still has his mug in service. I was the first to retire my mug, why you ask, because the mug club was changed for the impersonnal. Later my brother retired his, why, the mug was worth to much to him to risk ever having to see it break or stolen, it now sits on a shelf with an action figure standing guard. Kevins mug was, to much of ours dismay, broke, what a loss. Although now it is being held together by adhesives, it shall sit on a shelf as a monument to beers drunk (estimated at 364) and time spent. Mike, who moved away, returned from st.Louis to find his mug broken, another memory held together by a simple adhesive. My mug you will find proudly displayed in my folks living room amongst heirlooms and old photos. Over time things close to you become too important, too valuable to risk, an interesting aspect of our daily lives when added time. I shall shed a tear. Who'd of thought a simple ceramic mug would become so important to a few local area drunkards.

Russels Beef

Damn, I had to do it. I fuckin love this shit. oooooowwwwwweeeeee!!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

lunch time classic

I love this stuff, whole heartedly.

Friday, September 22, 2006


Looking at that picture of the building burning down it just dawned on me what it must of sounded like when the douchebag running the place and the gay guy who was second in charge told there wives. Picture it in your head. Guy gets home from work...wife says "how was work honey?" Douche says "The building burnt down." (I'm in tears laughing) How did the building being destroyed make them feel? I guess the way I saw them as a complete joke is what makes it funny. Enjoy this photo too.


I was thinking of writing down and blogging stories from my past. I've got some funny ones but it might be wierd, I don't know. But in the mean time, enjoy this picture of the Coast Guard Station Oak Island burning down. While it had no emotional bearing on me (I thought it was karma, and funny) others were in tears. Go figure.

No lunch pic today

The fridge just doesn't seem to hold anything that is appealing to me right now. Tell me if you see anything I might enjoy.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Chicago Favorite

The Chicagolands own "Portillos" is home to what many believe to be the best hot dogs on earth. I think they also have a really good burger too. I am a bit sick of the 50's theme but I'm not sick of these dogs, they rule! Paying for my lunch today was the fourteen dollars in change I found in my bedroom and personnal vehicle, but don't worry the bank changed it to paper money so I didn't look too broke.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Today I went shopping with my sister,we had a ball. I looked at purses, sweatshirts, and T-shirts. Then we ate lunch with kevin and I had sushi. Don't tell her but I bought my ol' lady pearl earnings, ssshhh..

Monday, September 18, 2006


Todays lunch, the big mac.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Lunch time

I went to get a hot dog at a local hot spot, "Frankly Yours". The name makes no sense to me but the dogs do, they rule. For under five bucks one can dine on a deliscious vienna beef frank with real fries and a beverage.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


This last week of my life has really been pathetic. I guess I'm banking on the idea that as soon as my resume is buttoned up and passed around town things will start to come together for me. God in heaven, let's hope.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Riley B. Bear

Here's the Boo-Boo Bear on my futon after my hair cut.

Job search hair cut

Got my hair cut today to look a little bit more professional.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Chef Boyardee

The deliscious "cheesey burger mac" from Chef Boyardee. A delightful lunch on a pleasant afternoon. Cheesy, beefy, and noodley.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Lifes Journey

The journey of life has taken a turn and the road ahead is shaky, uncertain and exciting. I have quit my job at Best Buy to look for new employment. I shall not look back, but I may pause every once and a while to recall the hot little "pop tarts" (girls) and then look forward again. I shall set out on an adventure seeking full time employment and hopefully soon after, my own place. Until then you can look forward to clever blog entries, cuz I'm sure I'll have alot of time on my hands. Read on young bloggers, read on.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Messenger bag

Here's the messenger bag I custom made for myself. I used the front pocket section from the backpack I carried around all through high school. Also I used a strip from the navy C-bag I carried around the four years I was in the service. I used suede leather for the side panels, and black ballistic nylon for the rest. I must say, it came out perfect. Going in to it I wasn't sure how I would lay it out, but I got struck by lightning and had a brilliant idea of making a stripe out of the C-bag and lineing up the green strip to show U.S. right on the front. The original idea was to construct a bag out of other bags, the idea evolved into making it out of the bags I used to carry around alot as to continue useing them. So high school and military service are both represented and some leather for style. I wanted to get a suede strap but when I went to a luggage repair shop the nonenglish speaking shop owner didn't understand my idea so I defaulted to a standard strap. I'm sure the bag might see some modifications in the distant future, but for now it's everything I could ever have hoped for.