Sunday, August 20, 2006


I recently came to the conclusion that I play the acoustic guitar and the electric bass. I've formally put the electric guitar behind me in terms of priorities. I still don't hestitate to shred an axe once in a while but I've gotten past dreams of les pauls and tube amps and all that shit. People who are close to me know that I'm a bit of an instrumentalist, but I've got to focus here, I mean, I'm twenty five, I don't want to find myself old and only decent on a shit load of instruments. I want to be kick ass on this and that with a good foundation on everything else. Can you dig? So my plan is to (once I have a decent job) get a big ticket acoustic guitar and that will be it, no more buying guitars, one really good guitar to be THE guitar. One I can grow with and be known for. I'm thinking, maybe, a gibson hummingbird, just an idea, or maybe a guild D-55 but I have a few other favorites too.

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