Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Hope Merchant

Strange thing these dreams. Most nights I don't think I dream but sometimes I do, and I believe that the more abstract the better and memorable. I recall various dreams were I've given birth or run from evil beings I never actually saw. In a recent dream I was being called a "Hope Merchant" which I have no idea what that could possibly mean but it involved an M-16 and loaded magazines being handed to me by my wife (odd) with townspeople cheering for the Hope Merchant (me). I have heard some people keep a diary next to there bed and in the morning they will right down a brief recount of what they dreamed. I would love to read someones dream diary. It probably reads like Timothy Leary's research notes. I've also heard that some people will designate a friend to clean out all there porn if they die so their legacy isn't fetish porn but wonderful stories of charisma. I would recommend including dream diary on the list of things to clean out if you die so they don't think you were doing psychedelic drugs before bed.

(Pictured is a photographic interpretation of dreaming)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Giving birth" that is intresting Peter. I have had that experience and don't even want to dream about it. However I do sometimes dream I'm falling off a cliff. Which would be equally as painful.