Sunday, April 09, 2006

marks sisters wedding

Man did i get wasted. let me give the short version of the evening. I get ready at my girlfriends house, kate and kev pick me up. we drive to naperville, on the way we start to think we'll be late but then find out once we got there that we were a good half hour early. The church was built in the mid-1800's so it was creaky, that was cool. Then the wedding gets going and it was great. then we burn rubber over to emmetts brewery in downers grove where i drink three or four beers, i pick up the tab and we head for the reception. We arive on time and catch up with mark. Then we do the receiving line, with the formalities out of the way we hit the bar, i get a gin and tonic. We mingle and drink, by dinner i'm wasted, kevin gets wasted later but not after dinner was over. We proceed to hoot and hollar throughout dinner and clink our glasses incesently forcing the bride and groom to kiss every couple minutes. Then dinner ends and we bide our time before we hit the dance floor, where once we did hit the dance floor we definitly brought the energy to the masses. quickly everyone followed our lead and joined in the celebration. Once kevin and myself were good and destroyed on jack and coke's my sister/kevins wife made us leave and dropped me off at my girlfriends where i drank water and fell asleep. (picture will be posted later)

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