Friday, October 28, 2016

Roy and his toy

 Some of you may know that while I was stationed at the Oak Island Coast Guard Station it burned down. Right down to the ground. Luckily, I was on leave at the time. Well, with it went our medical records and those needed to be replaced. This meant we all had to go get a physical at a Coast Guard Health office about an hour drive away. We went in groups of 5 and the first group was myself along with the usual suspects, Billie Ward, SN Roy, Hartfield, and another guy. This is a great example of how troublemakers aren't out causing trouble, we walk into it blindly.
    We get to this clinic and all sit down in the waiting room which is directly across from the only exam room in the clinic. The doctor, a women in her mid to late 70's, with hair so grey it looks blue, announces to the group that she'll see us one at a time and we should all be done in about an hour. First up is Seaman Roy, a short guy who can be a little up tight and professional at times, he was a reservist who was placed back on active duty as the Iraq war was getting started which put on hold his job at a local grocery store. He is led back to the exam room and the door is shut behind him. We wait patiently. After about fifteen minutes we hear someone fall to the floor. It's loud, like, someone really ate shit in there. A few minutes pass as we silently wonder what happened. Roy walks out and sits down in the waiting room with us. He says nothing, looking straight ahead and his face is beet red. Something definitely happened in there. Billie and I lean in and discreetly ask the question that's on everyones mind. "What the fuck happened dude"? He immediately becomes very animated as he describes the situation involving a hernia exam. For the sake of those who don't know what that involves, basically the doctor holds your balls and asks you to cough. In this case the elderly doctor had Roy stand up on a very small step stool and pull his pants all the way down to his ankles. He said her hand was so freezing cold that it jolted him, causing him to lose his balance and with his feet tied together by his pants down and the small area in which he was standing caused him to fall to the floor taking the doctor to the ground with him. Naked from the waist down with his sausage flopping all over this poor women as he rolls around on the floor trying to pull his pants up and regain control of the situation. Both Roy and the doctor were very embarrassed. There was a good half hour before the next person was brought back. The small stool was kept in the corner during the following exams which were notably awkward.