Friday, September 19, 2008

Fresh Hops!

The beer I wait all year for has hit the shelves. This is Goose Islands end of summer/fall seasonal beer made with fresh hops instead of pelletized hops that beer is typically made with. If you haven't tried this yet I recommend you do so. Here's mine shortly after purchase, thanks Katie for pointing out the sale, while walking through the parking lot of the local Jewel-Osco.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Shop Vac

In the last two days I've vacuumed up roughly 36 gallons of water from the basement floor. It has finally stopped raining after a relentless four day down pour.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Day 7; Creation

Working on various gifts for various people. 26 dollars, one bent sewing needle, and one migraine all in the name of friendship. Luckily Coors light is the most refreshing beer on Earth at least until the Hadron particle accelerator destroys it.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 6; Dan

Any other form and I wouldn't recognize him.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day; 5 The hidden benfit of a twin.

Sometimes I see someone and their twin and think that it might very well suck to have a walking double. I have no twin but if I did I imagine the benefit of having an outside perspective of yourself, or at least someone who looks like yourself could prove invaluable. You could see for yourself if you need to lose weight, change your hairstyle, or stop wearing certain clothing styles. It may also prove be an accurate gauge of how lame some of your mannerisms are, and show first hand certain phrases you use too often that may help to consider avoiding. Having said that I also wonder if the novelty would wear off before you ever realize the benefit of utilizing the situation as a resource for introspection.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Day 4: Creative Text Messaging

Next time you want to send a text message to a close friend try this more creative and interesting form. Draw a sketch that depicts the message you're trying to convey, and send them a photo of that sketch. Here is a text sent by my brother, which served to ask me if we were going to our favorite bar, Emmett's, later that evening.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Day 3: Simple insight

Here's a little insight to ponder on this rainy afternoon.

In life there will always be someone who takes things way too seriously.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Day 2; The Origin of Blogging

If you should ever take an English composition course they will definitely teach you never to talk about the paper in the paper. Similarly you should never talk about the blog post in the blog post. You can, however, discuss blogging in a blog post. Where did blogging begin? You could say blogging grew organically out of the traditional diary or journal over time combined with technology. I have my own theory. I feel the blog as an online journal and creative outlet is a result of two key figures in American history; Doogie Howser m.d. and Jack Handey. These two people were bloggers who were way ahead of their time.
At the end of ever Doogie Howser m.d. episode he was seen writing in a journal on his computer and saving it to a now classic 3x5 floppy disc. However lame his concluding wisdom may have been it was fundamentally what blogging is. As for Jack Handey, who by the way is a real comedic author, in many Saturday Night Live episodes showed text of a "Deep Thought" scroll over a scenic photo while being narrated. This looked and sounded like genius blog posts. Two prime examples of blogging before it became a reality.
While millions of bloggers support was is known as the blogosphere and Doogie Howser dodges thousands of malpractice suits, Jack Handey is still publishing sheer genius. I relish his writing style and take comfort in knowing he never lost his identity by succumbing to his own creation. The blogosphere, written by hundreds of millions and read by no one.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Day 1; Appreciation Week Drawing.

What you may have heard is true, I'm having a drawing. Here's how it works; email me at to enter. I will reply to your entry with a number, that number will be written on a tiny piece of paper and put in a (empty) fish bowl, then at the end of the Fan Base Appreciation Week I'll draw the winners. Here's the prizes; one winner will receive a signed photo your favorite local celebrity, me, Dependable Pete, and the grand prize is a signed photo of Dependable Pete and you will be invited to author a post to be put up on Dependable Ok, so don't waste too much time in entering.