Friday, November 30, 2007

Ah yes.

As some of you may know I don't work on fridays. So what I did today (as if you give a F@#*) was something I think I do best, destroyed an amazing sandwich, mayo glob on the side, and a Pepsi. It was a refreshing lunch. After this I will play the guitar for hours.

Monday, November 19, 2007

"Ride the lightning"

I know what you're thinking Dependable Pete supporter; "whats Pete doing buying an electric guitar"? I know I've said before (previous posts, also at Emmett's) that I'm a loyal acoustic guitar player and thats where my heart is. I'm not going back on my word it just makes sense to have a good acoustic and a good electric. I ordered a custom G&L Bluesboy (photo above), I got it in the three tone sunburst, rosewood fretboard, hand rubbed gun oil neck with a glossy finish, and a semi hollow body with the F hole. I bought and paid for it (a shit load) some time in early August and I picked it up second week of October. I will say that this guitar is the nicest, smoothest, incredible sustain, most jaw dropping electric guitar I've ever experienced. To quote Dee Snyder of Twisted Sister, "Have you ever seen Paul Simon plug into two Marshall stacks and ride the lightning"?

Mondays off.

I took monday off, and here's what I ate. Living the dream.