Friday, July 27, 2007


how do I start this? (rhetorical question)

Recently my friend Danno and I had a conversation about guitars, not uncommon. After the said talk I thought to myself whether I had given good advice or not, which led me to think about advice more generally. As I think of all the advice I've given in my life , maybe 1% was ever taken. Why? Well, what is advice is the root issue here, Danno looked it up, it's "an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action". With that I would say about sums it up. My thought process is more like this. Someone approaches me with a dilemma I respond with what I would do, emphasis on I, and tell them that. The problem is that it isn't me with the problem it's them. Who's eyes am I looking through while I'm formulating a solution, and if they are asking for advice or simply looking for someone to be a listener or even just a different perspective on the situation. I would like to make one additional point in that unsolicited advice is really annoying. I shrug my shoulders. Listen if you want, my advice will always be free if you want it.

Also if you see Danno tell him his best course of action is to buy the American strat or tele, either way it's a cool guitar.