Friday, March 31, 2006

march 30, 06

Well here's me and slim on the futon again. Cold Chillin' Slims playing tetris to fight off a laughing attack, and i'm jammin tunes, Rileys asleep in the hall. time now is 12:36 a.m.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I feel like i need to interduce myself to this blog and build a relationship before we can make history. To get the ball rolling i put up that last photo of myself.

Here's what i look like.

3/27/06 Here's me, taken from my webcam about a month ago. Aren't I cute?

Monday, March 27, 2006

11:12pm 3/27/06

"How to get away with murder" will remain a clever title as my brother feels i've gone phsycho.


Blogs are the dumbest shit on earth and i will be deleting this blog shortly. As an added downer it seems to have trouble loading a picture. so i'll try one last time and if it doesnt' work, BOOM, tailights, this will be over with.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006